Nickname: Kaye-kaye
Location:United States
Twilight Book:Eclipse/Twilight
Other Book:Vampire Kisses/Lovely Bones
Twilight Character:Edward and Bella
Twilight Character[other than Edward and Bella]:Alice/Rosalie/Emmett
Me:Oh me i'm kaye i'm the one who come up with this website since I saw the a lot of people making their own websites about the Twilight Saga.I'm totally obsessed with the Twilight Saga everytime I see a thing that remind about Twilight I getso excited about the movie.I love being a twilight fan,it's something i committed to! I love chocolates,cute stuff,give aways,souvenirs,technology,sweaters,sweet stuff,fashion and of course books!!.I used not to like books and since I read Twilight I started to read a lot.I hope you guys enjoy the website:]